Terms and Conditions

Scope of Application

These General Terms and Conditions (“GTC”) of Crest Point Alliance Ltd. apply to all business relations of customers with Crest Point Alliance Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Crestpoint Alliance”). Crestpoint Alliance offers online services and products in the range of network marketing and AI solutions. For these purposes, it owns and operates the website www.thenetworkerbot.com.

A customer is any natural or legal person who maintains business relations with Crestpoint Alliance.

These terms and conditions apply exclusively. Opposing, supplementary, or deviating terms and conditions require the express written confirmation of Crestpoint Alliance to be valid.

When using services and purchasing products from Crestpoint Alliance, the customer confirms that they fully accept these GTC.

Information on the Website of Crestpoint Alliance

Crestpoint Alliance’s website contains information about services and products. Prices and other changes are subject to change. All information on the website of Crestpoint Alliance (service and product descriptions, illustrations, films, and other information) are to be understood as approximate values only and do not represent any assurance of characteristics or guarantees unless explicitly stated otherwise. Crestpoint Alliance makes every effort to ensure that all data and information on its website is correct, complete, up-to-date, and clearly arranged, but Crestpoint Alliance cannot guarantee this either explicitly or implicitly.

All offers on the website of Crestpoint Alliance are non-binding and are not to be understood as a binding offer.

Crestpoint Alliance cannot guarantee that the services listed on its website will be provided or that products can be purchased. Therefore, all information about services and products is without guarantee and subject to change at any time and without notice.

There is no general right of access to the website of Crestpoint Alliance. Crestpoint Alliance reserves the right to change or discontinue products and services offered or made available for use on the website at any time and without notice. Crestpoint Alliance also reserves the right to restrict access to the website or parts thereof to certain users or customers at any time and without prior notice, and to exclude certain users and/or customers from accessing the website or to block their access.

Passwords and access codes assigned to customers must be kept confidential and may not be disclosed to third parties. In the event of misuse or violation of these Terms and Conditions, Crestpoint Alliance is entitled to deactivate passwords and access codes, temporarily or permanently, at any time and without prior notice, without any obligation to pay compensation.

The website of Crestpoint Alliance contains links to the websites of third parties. Crestpoint Alliance assumes no responsibility for the contents of such third-party websites and cannot be held liable in any way. The contents of such websites do not necessarily represent the opinion of Crestpoint Alliance, nor is it to be assumed that Crestpoint Alliance has approved such contents.

Privacy Policy

Crestpoint Alliance is committed to protecting the privacy of its customers. All personal data collected will be processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website.

Offers and Contract Conclusion

All offers, dates, and deadlines announced by Crestpoint Alliance before the conclusion of the contract are subject to change and non-binding. The expenses and costs listed in the offers are estimates and may be subject to change in the course of the execution of the respective projects. Crestpoint Alliance will inform the customer of any additional expenses that become apparent subsequently and obtain the customer’s consent in advance.

The conclusion of the contract comes about through written acceptance of an individual offer by the customer. For online products, the contract is concluded upon delivery of the access data (user name and password) by Crestpoint Alliance. Orders and registrations by the customer are binding.

Furthermore, the contract is concluded when the customer uses the services offered by Crestpoint Alliance or buys products.


Subject to other offers, all prices are quoted in USD ($).


Payment in due time is a prerequisite for participation in the offers of Crestpoint Alliance. Online products will be activated after receipt of payment.

If the respective invoice of Crestpoint Alliance is not paid within the specified payment period, the customer is automatically in default and owes a reminder fee of $50. In case of a possible second reminder, an additional reminder fee of $100.00 is due. From the time of default, the customer shall also owe interest on arrears at the statutory rate of 5%.

Crestpoint Alliance reserves the right to demand advance payment at any time without giving reasons.

In case of non-payment within this period, Crestpoint Alliance is also entitled to withdraw from the contract and not to render its services.

The invoiced amount may not be offset against any claims the customer may have against Crestpoint Alliance.

Crestpoint Alliance has the right to refuse any further service provision and/or to block the customer’s access to the digital products purchased by the customer if the customer is in default of payment.

Obligations of Crestpoint Alliance

Unless otherwise agreed, Crestpoint Alliance will fulfill its obligations by providing the agreed service or by providing access to the digital products. Crestpoint Alliance is also entitled to provide and invoice partial deliveries and/or partial services, as far as this is reasonable for the customer.

In the case of services, Crestpoint Alliance shall carry out subsequent requests for changes by the customer, as long as these are possible without additional costs or postponement of schedules. If additional expenses and/or costs are incurred, Crestpoint Alliance shall inform the customer of this in advance and the customer shall confirm this additional assumption of costs in writing.

All of Crestpoint Alliance’s services are provided online. For all other services, the registered office of Crestpoint Alliance shall be the place of performance unless otherwise agreed.

Crestpoint Alliance has the express right to call in auxiliary persons to carry out its contractual duties.

If circumstances for which Crestpoint Alliance is not responsible (e.g., sub-participation, force majeure, etc.) make it impossible to execute an offer from the supplier’s point of view, Crestpoint Alliance reserves the right to cancel or postpone the offer. Any payments already made by the customer will be refunded in full. Further claims for compensation are excluded.

Duties of the Customer

The customer is obliged to take all necessary precautions for the provision of the service by Crestpoint Alliance immediately and at their own expense. In particular, the customer is responsible for ensuring the necessary Internet infrastructure and Internet access. The customer has to take the precautions at the agreed time and to the agreed extent. Depending on the circumstances, this also includes the provision of suitable information and documents for Crestpoint Alliance.

Furthermore, the customer is obliged to cooperate fully and promptly. Participation in the services of Crestpoint Alliance requires a willingness to learn independently. Crestpoint Alliance assumes that the information and documents provided by the customer are correct and complete and comply with the legal obligations to cooperate and provide information. Crestpoint Alliance shall only be responsible for checking the correctness and propriety of information, documents, and figures provided by the customer if this has been agreed in writing in advance.

The customer is also obliged to attend agreed appointments in person. If they are prevented from doing so, they must cancel the appointment in advance in writing (by e-mail). If the customer cancels the appointment after receiving the confirmation of participation, 50% of the respective price is due. If the cancellation is made less than 14 days before the appointment or in case of unexcused absence, 100% is due.

The videos, calls, and all other services and consultations provided online may not be recorded in whole or in part or filmed from the screen.

The customer is prohibited from making any files or documents available to third parties without the written permission of Crestpoint Alliance, whether in return for payment or free of charge, during or after completion of the services of Crestpoint Alliance.

User Conduct

Customers agree to use the website and services in a responsible and lawful manner. Any misuse, including but not limited to illegal activities, distribution of malware, or spamming, will result in immediate termination of access without notice or compensation.

Refund Policy

All sales are final. Refunds for online products will not be provided once access has been granted. In exceptional cases, requests for refunds will be reviewed on an individual basis and may be granted at the sole discretion of Crestpoint Alliance.

Contents of Third Parties

In Crestpoint Alliance’s online magazine, third-party content is sometimes reproduced. Crestpoint Alliance is not responsible for such contents and cannot be prosecuted in any way.

Rescission and Cancellation

In the case of services, both parties have the right to withdraw from the contract at any time. The withdrawing customer has to pay Crestpoint Alliance in full for the expenses already incurred. A cancellation at untimely times is not permitted.

In the case of purchased online products, the customer loses any right of withdrawal after first access via the platform. The customer expressly declares their agreement to this.


Crestpoint Alliance cannot promise success. However, it is liable for accurate and careful execution of the services ordered from it. For online products, any warranty is excluded.

Crestpoint Alliance cannot give any guarantee or assurance of any kind that its websites or parts thereof are available to the customer at all times. For this, Crestpoint Alliance excludes any liability.

Limitation of Liability

Crestpoint Alliance excludes any liability, regardless of its legal basis, as well as claims for damages against Crestpoint Alliance and any auxiliary persons and vicarious agents.

In particular, Crestpoint Alliance is not liable for indirect damage and consequential damage, loss of profit, or other personal injury, damage to property, or pure financial loss of the customer or third parties. It is also not liable for third-party content that can be reached via links on Crestpoint Alliance websites and also not for contributions of third parties on Crestpoint Alliance websites or in the online magazine. The right is reserved to further mandatory legal liability, for example for gross negligence or illegal intent.

The customer acknowledges that the content, materials, and information

contained on the websites of Crestpoint Alliance do not claim to provide the customer with medical, legal, psychological, therapeutic, religious, or other professional advice. The customer is urged to consult the appropriate professionals in the event of such needs.

It is the responsibility of the customer to take out any insurance that they deem necessary.

Intellectual Property Rights

Crestpoint Alliance is entitled to all rights to the services, products, illustrations, contents, and trademarks or is authorized to use them by the owner.

The customer has the right to have certain contents of the websites of Crestpoint Alliance displayed on their personal computer to execute any downloads listed there, whereby the copyrights to these downloads remain with Crestpoint Alliance in any case. However, these rights of use shall expire automatically and without prior notice if the customer violates these GTC and any agreed terms of use.

The customer is not entitled to modify, edit, change, or extend in any way the contents and materials to which they gain access via the websites of Crestpoint Alliance.

Neither these terms and conditions nor any individual agreements relating to them contain a transfer of intellectual property rights unless this has been explicitly agreed. In particular, the customer does not acquire the copyright to online products upon delivery and payment. The customer only acquires the right of use. The programs, developments, and contents remain the sole property of Crestpoint Alliance. Crestpoint Alliance expressly reserves the right to further use and develop the delivered online products and (learning) content.

In addition, any further use, publication, and the making accessible of information, pictures, texts, or other things, which the customer receives in connection with the service or with the products of Crestpoint Alliance, is prohibited, unless it is explicitly approved by Crestpoint Alliance.

Upon termination of the contract concluded with the customer or acquired license, the customer is obliged to destroy all downloaded and/or printed materials immediately.

If the customer uses contents, texts, or pictorial material in connection with Crestpoint Alliance to which third parties have a property right, the customer must ensure that no property rights of third parties are infringed. The customer undertakes to indemnify Crestpoint Alliance financially in full should a third party assert corresponding claims against Crestpoint Alliance.

Affiliate partners using the websites of Crestpoint Alliance have special access to contents which they can use for their campaigns. Detailed provisions and obligations in this regard are governed by the corresponding individual contracts.

If you believe that content on Crestpoint Alliance websites violates your copyrights or the copyrights of third parties, we ask you to notify us in writing for amicable settlement.


Crestpoint Alliance undertakes to maintain secrecy about any information received during the cooperation which must be kept secret due to legal regulations or the nature of the matter and/or which concerns the personality or personal circumstances of the client. This obligation applies beyond the termination of the cooperation.

The customer undertakes to maintain secrecy with regard to all information which is classified as confidential and of which they become aware in the course of providing services and products of Crestpoint Alliance, and to disclose or use such information to third parties only with the written consent of Crestpoint Alliance. This also applies to all materials and documents which the customer receives from Crestpoint Alliance in the course of using the services.

Not covered by the obligation of secrecy is information which is generally known.

The customer acknowledges that video conferencing tools such as ZOOM, Whereby, etc., do not offer complete security and that information from them may be accessible to third parties.

Dispute Resolution

In the event of any disputes arising out of or relating to these GTC or the services provided by Crestpoint Alliance, the parties shall first attempt to resolve the dispute amicably. If the dispute cannot be resolved amicably, it shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). The arbitration shall take place in Hong Kong, and the language of the arbitration shall be English.

Further Provisions

Crestpoint Alliance is entitled to transfer or assign all or part of its rights and obligations under the contract with the customer to third parties without prior notice or consent of the customer.

Subsequent changes and/or additions to these GTC and the respective order must be made in writing to be effective.

Should individual provisions of these GTC be wholly or partially void and/or ineffective, the validity and/or effectiveness of the remaining provisions or parts of such provisions shall remain unaffected. The invalid and/or ineffective provisions shall be replaced by such provisions which come closest to the economic purpose of the invalid and/or ineffective provisions in a legally effective manner. The same applies to possible loopholes in the provision.

In the event of disputes, only substantive Hong Kong law shall apply, excluding conflict-of-law provisions. The UN Sales Convention (CISG, Vienna Sales Convention) is explicitly excluded.

Place of jurisdiction is Hong Kong.

Should you have any concerns, questions, or problems regarding the offers, contents, materials, and/or other services or regarding the website of Crestpoint Alliance, please contact support@thenetworkerbot.com.

For all other comments, requests, and concerns, please contact support@thenetworkerbot.com.

The general Disclaimer of Crestpoint Alliance applies at all times.

